Test Section


This unit is completed with an online test consisting of Multiple Choice and free text questions. Please note that the test consists of TWO parts – the Multiple Choice Test (MCT) AND the written assignment

1. Multiple Choice Test

MCT is available on xx.xx. until xx. xx. 20xx only. You will receive your results and a notification of your credit points until xx.xx. Please keep this notification of results as proof of successful participation at this unit.

Please notice that the Multiple Choice test is available online only. Proceed to the test form ›››

2. Written Assignment: 

Refer to Lesson 3 (Leadership & Commitment) and there to the task in Activity & Exercise. Here you find the exercise entitled «Leadership Questions Exercise Chart». Please write a one page essay on the following questions:

  • Are you more like the statement on the left or the statement on the right? Why?
  • Now, think about the leaders of your organization: Do they normally behave more like the statement in the left or the one on the right? Please give reasons for your answers!

Please save your essay as WORD or PDF and mention your name in the file name. Proceed to the upload tool to submit your essay until xx. xx.20xx latest ›››

Test Section