«Poverty must be addressed in all its dimensions, not income alone»
[UNDP, Human Development Report, 1997]
Sanitation is Vital in Reducing Poverty
Water and sanitation are closely linked, and it is often difficult to separate the two issues. We have to make that effort, however, because simply providing clean water does not resolve the many health problems and related issues that arise if sanitation is not available.
Poor sanitation leads to sickness and disease, which lead to low productivity, and, consequently, to poverty. The major global consequences of lack of sanitation are the 4 billion cases of diarrhea reported by WHO and UNICEF each year, and the annual death toll of 2.2 million people.
Evidence shows that improved access to water and sanitation reduces poverty both directly and indirectly.
Poverty reduction strategies therefore must include effective water and sanitation interventions if they are to achieve long-term success.
Reduced illness and improved levels of education make it easier for people to work and help themselves out of poverty.