Activity & Exercise

Think about Legal Framework in your country: What is the key law that gives a mandate to water utilities?

What powers and duties does this law convey to the water utilities?

There are some exercises which you might consider as useful: [Click the header to read the full text of the exercise]

± Exercise 1: Analyzing the consistency of your country’s water sector framework

First, gather your country’s constitution, its national water policy, its development strategies, the applicable laws and the sector organization chart.

  • Is there consistency and harmony in the legal framework, national policy, sector organization and development strategy of the water sector in your country?
  • How does the functioning and operational management of your water utility benefit from this harmony?
  • If there are contradictions and gaps, how would you improve the situation to help water utilities fulfill their mandate in a sustainable way?

± Exercise 2: National Policy

  • Identify in your country’s Constitution the specific provisions that relate to the water sector.
  • Next, demonstrate how the national water policy is a reflection of the constitution. Identify which policy pronouncements are likely to affect the status of water utilities.
  • Next, consider perspectives such as the institutional mandate of utilities, decentralization, the possible role of the private sector, social issues and strategic issues.
  • What can water utilities do to help implement the national policy and the country’s development objectives?

± Exercise 3: Development Strategy - water sector priorities and role of utilities

  • What are the priorities of the water sector in your country?
  • What are the best strategies to help meet these priorities?
  • What is the role of a water utility in implementing this strategy?

± Exercise 4: Legal framework

  • What is the key law that gives a mandate to water utilities in your country?
  • Are there other laws that dictate their functioning?
  • Are there conflicting requirements in these different laws?
  • Please propose an alternative way of resolving this situation.

± Exercise 5: Sector Organization

Analyze the organizational set up of the water sector in your country. At the highest level, describe the functions of the Ministry in charge of water.

  • Are water resources management, water services and wastewater services under the responsibility of the same ministry?
  • What is the legal status and service area of the water utility you work for?
  • To which public institutions is your utility accountable?
  • Describe the relationship between your utility and these institutions

Example from Ghana – Having the data: monitoring service delivery