WAVEplus | HCD-Water Project Manager

Heiko Heidemann. @heiko.heidemann


The WAVE and WAVE-plus programmes are facilitated by GIZ and contribute to improve the performance of water service providers (WSP) in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia through a set of tailor-made human capacity development measures.

Those measures are identified and prioritized by the WAVE Pool, a regional learning and networking forum composed of experts, practitioners and decision-makers in water sector institutions.

WAVEplus, just like its predecessor WAVE (2007-2010), is designed as a regional multi-country programme because the involved partner countries implement water sector reform processes with comparable challenges regarding water supply and sanitation.

The programme adds to the activities of the German development cooperation partners through complementary interventions, and together they contribute to partner strategies. Networking and exchange enable participants to identify, transfer and adapt performance-related good practices either within a country or within the region and to implement them at their workplaces.

WAVEplus | HCD-Water Project Manager

Heiko Heidemann. @heiko.heidemann