Self-Assessment Test
Q 1:
Sanitation and Hygiene are the same! Is this statement correct?
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No. It is not the same. Sanitation comprises an entire chain of evacuation, collection, transport, treatment, disposal, reuse of wastewater and sludge management while hygiene is about safe water storage, safe hand washing practices and safe treatment of food stuffs
Q 2:
Hygiene is about safe water storage, safe hand washing practices and safe treatment of food stuffs?
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Yes, correct, this is the definition of Hygiene.
Q 3:
Health and Hygiene is the same?
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No, correct, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Hygiene is about safe water storage, safe hand washing practices and safe treatment of food stuffs.
Order correctly the first 5 steps of the ladder of sanitation options, starting from the most basic option to the more sophisticated ones!
- Pour Flush Latrine
- Simple Pit Latrine
- VIP Latrine
- Septic Tank Latrine
- Improved Traditional Practice and Hygiene
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1. Improved Traditional Practice and Hygiene 2. Simple Pit Latrine 3. VIP Latrine 4. Pour Flush Latrine 5. Septic Tank Latrine
Domestic water supply and sanitation and water resources management make significant contributions to the following MDG targets: (only 4 out of the 5 targets are relevant, which ones?)
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Poverty, Hunger, Primary education, Gender equality
Please check, if the following statement is correct: Wastewater flowing directly into rivers pollutes the environment.
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Yes, correct, wastewater, flowing directly into rivers pollutes the environment.
Is it true, that in developing countries, 90% of sewage (waste water) and 70% of industrial waste water are discharged untreated into water courses?
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Yes, correct, the statement is true.
Is it true, that there is no problem in developed countries. All waste water is treated up to standards.
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No, not correct, there are still many problems with the aquatic environment, as not all waste water is treated up to standards.
Is it true, that improved sanitation reduces the environmental burden and increases the sustainability of environmental resources?
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Yes correct, improved sanitation reduces the environmental burden and increases the sustainability of environmental resources.
Waste water reuse in arid and semi-arid regions is important because it is an additional water source especially for irrigation.
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Yes, correct, this is the main reason for reuse of treated wastewater.
Waste water reuse in arid and semi-arid regions is important because it helps to prevent pollution of water bodies when waste water is treated.
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Yes correct, waste water treatment is very important to help prevent pollution of water bodies.