Positive Impacts of Improved Sanitation
The long-term impacts of water and sanitation projects showed significant changes in household income as a result of:
Time saved being used for increased:
- Agricultural production
- Agricultural product processing
- Manufacture of goods
- Sale of services
Money saved by:
- Reduced cost of water
- Reduced cost of medical treatment
Water availability for increased:
- Livestock production
- Crop production
- Fruit and vegetable production
- Food and drink vending
Improved sanitation provides as well a range of less obvious long-term benefits that can improve poor people’s quality of life, boost their levels of education and lift them out of poverty, e.g.
Women and girls in particular benefit greatly from better sanitation
Currently, a huge number of women without access to latrines have to wait until it is dark before going outside to defecate. This often means they have to go all day without using a toilet and risk damaging their health. And having to go out at night exposes them to sexual harassment and assault.
In urban slums, sanitation makes a significant difference to the quality of women’s lives. When women can use safe sanitation facilities in private they are healthier and have more time for childcare and work which generates income.
Lack of appropriate sanitation facilities in schools has led to low levels of female enrollment and/or staying on in higher levels of education and to females dropping out of school.