«New Sanitation Systems & Technologies»

Blackwater Transport to (Semi-) Centralized Treatment System


System Template 8

This is a water-based sewer system in which Black-water is transported to a Centralized or Semi-Centralized Treatment facility. The important characteristic of this system is that there is no Collection and Storage/Treatment. Inputs to the system include Faeces, Urine, Flushwater, Anal Cleansing Water, Dry Cleansing Materials, Greywater and possibly Stormwater.

This system is especially appropriate for dense, urban and peri-urban settlements where there is little or no space for onsite storage technologies or emptying. The system is not well-suited to rural areas with low housing densities. Since the sewer network is (ideally) watertight, it is also applicable for areas with high groundwater tables. There must be a constant supply of water to ensure that the sewers do not become blocked.

This system is most appropriate when there is a high willingness and ability to pay for the capital investment and maintenance costs and where there is a pre-existing treatment facility that has the capacity to accept additional flow.

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